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We are Covid secure

We’re all about the fun at The Leeds Deli but just so you know that we can be serious too.. we have stringent policies in place to help ensure that our employees and lovely customers are safe from COVID-19.

All employees will be / are screened on a daily basis – checks made relating to temperature using an infra-red surface thermometer – questioned regarding their own symptoms and their household.

We continue to adopt excellent food safety management practices within the kitchen areas, as well as embracing the new procedures to meet the requirements to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transfer. We continue to manage our HACCP food safety systems.


We will emphasise during the booking that if any member of the party is displaying symptoms then we reserve the right not to allow them to enter the property. We want to keep everyone as safe as possible. 

With the current government guidance, employees and customers are advised to make their own decision on whether to wear face coverings, i.e. masks or visors. We respect each individual's decision and there will be no judgement.


We will continue to maintain effective hand hygiene throughout the day. Employees are expected to wash and/or sanitise their hands as often as necessary:

⦁ Upon entering the building
⦁ Before starting work
⦁ After using the toilet
⦁ After handling waste / bin bags
⦁ After blowing your nose, sneezing, coughing, touching face
⦁ After eating, drinking or smoking
⦁ After handling money
⦁ After carrying out cleaning activities
⦁ After handling raw meats
⦁ After food collections
⦁ After your shift

Hand sanitisers continuing 60%+ alcohol have been provided throughout the dining area and will be visibly used throughout the day.

The end of the serious chat. If you can think of anything else we should be implementing we’d love to know – please email us at hello@theleedsdeli.co.uk